How to install and uninstall the Mullvad VPN app on Android.
How to use the Mullvad VPN app.
How to install and use the Mullvad VPN app on iOS devices (iPhone).
Simple steps for using WireGuard in the Mullvad app.
How to use the Android version of the Mullvad VPN app.
Step-by-step instructions for using the Bridge mode feature in the Mullvad VPN app.
An FAQ about why we recommend the WireGuard VPN protocol.
How to install and uninstall the Mullvad VPN app on macOS.
How to use the Mullvad VPN app from the terminal/command prompt.
How to verify the Mullvad VPN app releases.
How to use on iPhone, iPad, and other iOS devices.
How to use Mullvad with Android and Chromebook devices.
How to connect to Mullvad VPN servers using OpenVPN on Linux.
How to connect to Mullvad VPN servers using OpenVPN on Windows.
Connect to Mullvad's servers using Tunnelblick on your macOS.
Connect to Mullvad's servers using Viscosity on your macOS.
How to install and run Mullvad on Qubes OS 4.
A CLI-based guide with terminal commands for using WireGuard.
How to connect to Mullvad’s WireGuard servers on Android.
How to connect to Mullvad’s WireGuard servers on iOS (iPhone).
How to connect to Mullvad’s WireGuard servers on Windows.
How to connect to Mullvad’s WireGuard servers on macOS.
This advanced terminal-only Linux guide will teach you how to use the WireGuard protocol to connect to Mullvad.
This simplified guide will teach you how to use the WireGuard protocol to connect to Mullvad using Linux.
Learn how to run WireGuard on a router.
For macOS users who want to use the WireGuard protocol to connect to Mullvad but are unable to use the WireGuard app that requires macOS version 10.14 or newer.
Multihop with WireGuard
WireGuard and SOCKS5 proxy
Troubleshooting common issues with Mullvad.
Try these methods to improve your connection speed while using Mullvad.
Experiencing slow traffic? Your ISP may be engaging in bandwidth throttling.
Use our SOCKS5 proxies to further minimize your computer's identity from being revealed and reduce CAPTCHAs.
Here is a guide that will help you set up split tunneling using OpenVPN
Quick setup to get connected to Mullvad VPN via Tor.
The steps needed to get a refund.
Take action with these easy steps to reclaim your online privacy.
These browser extensions can help improve your online privacy.
Learn how to create more effective passwords and simplify your management of them.
Learn about what WebRTC is and how to keep it from exposing your IP.
Learn how to easily check if you’re safe from DNS leaks and what to do to prevent them.
Learn about what a MAC address is, how it can reveal your identity, and how to prevent this.
An overview of encryption.
Learn how to remain anonymous when starting a blog under a pen name.
Learn how to set up an email application to send and receive encrypted email.
Here's how Facebook's tracking technique, pixel, collects and sells your data and how you can prevent it.
We show you how a bit of nail polish can help to identify if someone's been messing with your hardware.
This is a quick guide to get Mullvad up and running with pfSense 2.4.0 or later.
How to setup your Asus router running Merlin to connect to the Mullvad VPN servers.
Set up a router to use DD-WRT for connecting to the Mullvad VPN servers.
Set up a router with OpenWrt and connect to the Mullvad VPN service.
All about the Shadowsocks proxy and how it can help you circumvent a restricted firewall.
How to use the Shadowsocks proxy in the Mullvad VPN app.
How to use the Shadowsocks proxy from the terminal / command prompt.
How to use the Shadowsocks proxy on your Android device to connect to Mullvad VPN.
How to use the Shadowsocks proxy on your Linux computer to connect to Mullvad VPN.
How to use the Shadowsocks proxy on your macOS computer to connect to Mullvad VPN.
How to use the Shadowsocks proxy on your Windows computer to connect to Mullvad VPN.
If you're stuck behind a restrictive firewall and are unable to access our VPN servers directly, try connecting using the SSH protocol via our bridge(s).
Stuck behind a restrictive firewall? Try using SSH tunneling to connect to Mullvad's VPN servers.
We do not keep activity logs of any kind. Learn more about what this means and why we choose to operate this way.
Information about how we handle personal data in relation to GDPR.
An overview of the cookies our website utilizes and why.
An explanation of our position on these matters.
What we do when a government entity approaches us for user data, and why.
Swedish legislation relevant to us as a VPN provider
The terms for using the Mullvad VPN service.
How to install and uninstall the Mullvad VPN app on Linux.
How to install and uninstall the Mullvad VPN app on Windows.
How to report a bug or vulnerability
Learn how to use symmetric encryption.
Learn how to use asymmetric encryption.
An overview of our partners and resellers.
When we disclose security incidents.
All about our servers and how we manage them.
Where to download the app and what to do if download speeds are slow.
This guide will show to get invoices for your payments.
Mullvad VPN AB holds the rights to the “Mullvad VPN” brand and logos.
The following is a general summary of parts of the new Swedish Covert Surveillance of Data Act, based on the legislative history of the new law.
Nedan följer en sammanfattande allmän redogörelse för delar av den nya svenska lagen om hemlig dataavläsning som baseras på förarbetena till den nya lagen
New European Electronic Communications Code and proposed new Swedish law for electronic communications
Ny europeisk kodex för elektronisk kommunikation och förslag till ny lag för elektronisk kommunikation
How to enable or disable split tunneling with the Mullvad app
Our public DNS service
Learn about what a DNS server is and why it’s important from a privacy perspective.
This guide shows how you can bypass Mullvad to watch Netflix in a web browser if says that you are using a proxy.
This guide shows how you can bypass Mullvad to play games on Steam.
This guide will show you how to exclude specific IP addresses or ports from the VPN.
The owner's directives (in Swedish) for Mullvad VPN and its parent company Amagicom.
How to use WireGuard with Mullvad on Qubes OS
In March 2022, the government presented a bill proposing a new Electronic Communications Act (SW: ny lag om elektronisk kommunikation) (the "New LEK").
This is a guide on how to set up pfSense to use WireGuard.
How to connect using Shadowsocks with v2ray and the Mullvad app
How to configure Android connectivity checks (captive portal detection).
Learn how you can access Mullvad VPN from locations where downloading our app or connecting is difficult.
Verifying Mullvad Browser signature
How to install the Mullvad app on Qubes OS 4.x
xtls with Mullvad VPN
How to install the Mullvad Browser.
Installing and using the Mullvad Browser Extension.
Using mullvad-upgrade-tunnel to make quantum-resistant tunnels with WireGuard.
This guide shows how to use the apisocks5 utility.
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