How to use the Mullvad CLI
Mullvad app Windows Linux macOS Desktop Feature Command Line Interface
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Follow this guide to use the Mullvad command line interface (CLI) in the Terminal (Linux, macOS) or Command Prompt (Windows).
For more commands, see also the guide CLI commands for using WireGuard.
If the Mullvad app isn't up to date, first download the latest version and install it.
What this guide covers
- Basic commands
- More commands
- - Split tunneling (Linux)
- - Split tunneling (Windows)
- - DNS content blockers
- - Use custom DNS server
- - Use Bridge mode (OpenVPN)
- - Make custom server lists
- - Report a problem
- - Reset settings
Basic commands
Open a terminal window and type mullvad
to see a full list of subcommands and their usages. Below is a list of the most common ones.
Set your account
Replace the number string with your Mullvad account number.
mullvad account login 1234123412341234
Type mullvad account
to see a list of other account-related commands.
Show account info
This command will show your account number, device name and the expiration date of your account.
mullvad account get
List device names in the account
mullvad account list-devices
List server locations
This command displays a list of available countries and cities.
mullvad relay list
Select a location
In this example, we are connecting to a server in Sweden (se), in the city of Malmö (mma).
Replace "se" with the country of your choice and, optionally, "mma" with a specific city in that country.
mullvad relay set location se mma
Select a specific server
Replace "se" with the country of your choice and, optionally, "mma" with a specific city in that country and "se-mma-001" with a servername in this group.
mullvad relay set location se mma se-mma-wg-001
Or use this command.
mullvad relay set location se-mma-wg-001
Connect to the location that you selected.
mullvad connect
mullvad disconnect
Force an update of the server location list
mullvad relay update
Check your connection status
mullvad status
To see more details use this command.
mullvad status -v
Use OpenVPN over TCP:
This can help if you are not able to connect with WireGuard or OpenVPN over UDP.
mullvad relay set tunnel-protocol openvpn mullvad relay set tunnel openvpn --transport-protocol tcp
Auto-connect on start-up
If you want Mullvad to start and connect when you boot up your computer, use this command.
Note! This command does not affect the "Auto-connect" GUI setting. These settings are independent of each other.
mullvad auto-connect set on
To turn this off, run
mullvad auto-connect set off
Enable LAN access
mullvad lan set allow
Enable Lockdown mode
The kill switch activates automatically when you connect to Mullvad VPN. It makes sure that it won't leak your IP in case it loses the connection to the server or if you reconnect. However you can also enable Lockdown mode which will block all Internet traffic until you have connected to Mullvad. Use this command:
mullvad lockdown-mode set on
More commands
Split tunneling (Linux)
Split tunneling allows you to exclude some apps from the VPN so they will use your regular Internet connection. This will for example allow you to access some websites that are blocking VPN services.
Using mullvad-exclude
To start a new process excluded from Mullvad use this command.
mullvad-exclude <program>
Example: run a connection check outside of the VPN tunnel.
mullvad-exclude curl
Using mullvad split-tunnel
This command works with the PID (process ID) of a program. To find the PID of a running program use the pgrep
Linux command.
To exclude a process from Mullvad that is already running use this command.
mullvad split-tunnel add <pid>
To list the PIDs of all the processes that are currently excluded use this command.
mullvad split-tunnel list
To restore a previously excluded process use this command.
mullvad split-tunnel delete <pid>
To restore all previously excluded processes use this command.
mullvad split-tunnel clear
Split tunneling (Windows)
Check if Split tunneling is enabled or disabled:
mullvad split-tunnel get
Enable split tunneling:
mullvad split-tunnel set on
Disable split tunneling:
mullvad split-tunnel set off
List excluded apps:
mullvad split-tunnel get
Remove all excluded apps:
mullvad split-tunnel app clear
Exclude an app:
mullvad split-tunnel app add "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"
Remove an excluded app:
mullvad split-tunnel app remove "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"
DNS content blockers
To enable DNS filtering you can use the following commands.
To view the help, use this command.
mullvad dns set default --help
To enable all DNS filters except social media, use the following command.
mullvad dns set default --block-ads --block-trackers --block-malware --block-gambling --block-adult-content
To turn off all the content blockers use this command.
mullvad dns set default
Use custom DNS server
If you set a custom DNS server then it will override the DNS content blockers. You can only use a public DNS server if you use WireGuard protocol, but you can use a local DNS server with OpenVPN protocol.
To set a custom DNS server use the following command and replace with the server IP you want to use.
mullvad dns set custom
To reset the DNS use this command.
mullvad dns set default
Use Bridge mode (OpenVPN)
To enable Bridge mode (using Shadowsocks proxies) use the following commands.
mullvad relay set tunnel-protocol openvpn mullvad relay set tunnel openvpn --transport-protocol tcp mullvad bridge set state on
To select a specific bridge server use this command.
mullvad bridge set location se mma se-mma-br-001
To set the location back to automatic use this command.
mullvad bridge set location any
To set Bridge mode back to automatic use these commands.
mullvad bridge set state auto mullvad relay set tunnel openvpn --transport-protocol any mullvad relay set tunnel-protocol any
Make custom server lists
To view the custom list options use this command.
mullvad custom-list
To create a new custom list named "Favorites" use this command.
mullvad custom-list new Favorites
To add a specific server, city or country to the list use one of these commands.
mullvad custom-list edit add Favorites se-mma-wg-001 mullvad custom-list edit add Favorites se got mullvad custom-list edit add Favorites se
To select your custom list so you can connect to it, use this command.
mullvad relay set custom-list Favorites
To remove a specific server,city or country from the list use one of these commands.
mullvad custom-list edit remove Favorites se-mma-wg-001 mullvad custom-list edit remove Favorites se got mullvad custom-list edit remove Favorites se
To rename a custom list use this command.
mullvad custom-list edit rename Favorites Favourites
To list all your custom lists and their content use this command.
mullvad custom-list list
To delete a custom list use this command.
mullvad custom-list delete Favourites
Report a problem
First create an anonymized log file.
mullvad-problem-report collect --output report.log
Before sending it to us, you have the option to view the log file.
Then send the log file.
mullvad-problem-report send --report report.log --email your@email.address --message "Write a description of your problem."
Although optional, we strongly recommend that you include a description of the problem. You also don't need to fill in an email address, but if you want a reply from us, you will need to include one.
Reset settings
This command performs a factory reset on all settings, deletes app logs and cache files, disconnects the app, and logs you out.
mullvad factory-reset
You will be asked to confirm your decision before the reset.