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Version 49 released


Version 49 is now available for download. It contains a patch against the FREAK vulnerability. Users of our client for Windows and OSX need to upgrade to the new version. Users of our Linux client should get automatically patched through their distribution.Users of plain OpenVPN should download new configuration files and update their OpenVPN client. 자세히 알아보기



The recently disclosed vulnerability in OpenSSL named FREAK can be used to attack OpenVPN clients. We have released a new version of the client with a patch, as well as published a blog post explaining the technical details. 자세히 알아보기

AES-256 encryption


The default OpenVPN stream cipher in new clients and new configuration files is now AES-256. When encountering certain connection problems the client program will fall back to Blowfish 128. To use nothing but AES, set "cipher = aes256" in Settings -> Advanced. 자세히 알아보기