There is no doubt that the secret European branch of the "SIGINT Seniors" spy network (known commonly as "14 Eyes") existed at the time the Snowden files were released. 続きを読む
We want you to remain anonymous. All. The. Way. So, when you sign up for our VPN, we don't ask for any personal information no username, no password, no e-mail address. 続きを読む
It all started out as an improver of your browser experience. The cookie evolution, or the different ways to cook that recipe, has developed the use, appearance, and taste of cookies. 続きを読む
Our privacy tools require that you, our users, trust us. You should feel confident in expecting us to fulfill our commitment toward you, now and in the future. 続きを読む
Have you ever been to a clothing store and walked away without buying even a pair of socks? Then on the way home the manager of that same store chases you down the street? 続きを読む