We do not keep activity logs of any kind. Learn more about what this means and why we choose to operate this way.
Who owns Mullvad? #
What about the Swedish Covert Surveillance of Data Act? #
There is a law to collect user data in India and other countries. Does this affect Mullvad? #
Policy documents
Information about how we handle personal data in relation to GDPR.
An overview of the cookies our website utilizes and why.
An explanation of our position on these matters.
What we do when a government entity approaches us for user data, and why.
Swedish legislation relevant to us as a VPN provider
The terms for using the Mullvad VPN service.
How to report a bug or vulnerability
An overview of our partners and resellers.
When we disclose security incidents.
Mullvad VPN AB holds the rights to the “Mullvad VPN” brand and logos.
The following is a general summary of parts of the new Swedish Covert Surveillance of Data Act, based on the legislative history of the new law.
Nedan följer en sammanfattande allmän redogörelse för delar av den nya svenska lagen om hemlig dataavläsning som baseras på förarbetena till den nya lagen
New European Electronic Communications Code and proposed new Swedish law for electronic communications
Ny europeisk kodex för elektronisk kommunikation och förslag till ny lag för elektronisk kommunikation
The owner's directives (in Swedish) for Mullvad VPN and its parent company Amagicom.
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