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DNS leaks on Windows 8, 8.1 and 10


It has recently come to our attention that the DNS resolution mechanism in Windows 8 and newer can potentially leak DNS queries outside of the VPN tunnel. In these versions of Windows, DNS queries are sent to all interfaces simultaneously. Even if the tunnel is the default gateway, all other interfaces will also send out the same DNS query outside of the tunnel. Dowiedz się więcej

iOS 9 problems


OpenVPN on iOS 9 will appear to connect properly but your IP will not change, meaning you will not be protected even though OpenVPN connect reports that you are connected. Dowiedz się więcej

Windows encoding issues


There is an encoding bug in our windows client that mostly affects users with non-english system language. Those who are affected will get an error similar to this: Dowiedz się więcej

Windows 10 problems


By default the Mullvad client and older OpenVPN clients will not work on Windows 10 and return the error "There are no TAP-Windows adapters on this system". This is because the installation of the OpenVPN TUN/TAP driver results in registry entries that are incorrect. This has been an issue in preview builds of Windows 10 as well and we were awaiting the stable release to see if the issue persisted. It did. Dowiedz się więcej