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Mullvad 블로그

Mullvad의 최신 개발 정보를 확인하세요. Mullvad의 앱, 보안 업데이트, 채용 공고 등과 관련된 소식을 모두 여기에서 찾아볼 수 있습니다.

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Test WireGuard with Mullvad


WireGuard, a new VPN protocol designed with simplicity in mind, is now available for Linux testing with Mullvad. We are offering this service in compliance with Mullvad's strict no-logging policy 자세히 알아보기

New servers in Sweden, Canada, and U.S.


Mullvad users in Stockholm, Toronto, Vancouver, and Buffalo, New York, can now experience markedly faster connections speeds through our newest, local VPN servers. This also means even better service for customers in the surrounding regions. Find the server closest to you on the list of our 29 server locations worldwide.  자세히 알아보기