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이 블로그 게시물은 4년이 지났으며 최신 정보가 아닐 수 있습니다.

Mullvad VPN, also available for iOS 12


A number of iPhone users reached out and asked if we could make our VPN app compatible with iOS 12. In this iOS release (2020.4) of Mullvad VPN, we’ve done just that.

What’s new

The Mullvad VPN app now supports iOS 12.

When connected, you’ll see the new quick reconnect button (the ↻ symbol). Tap this button and the app will reconnect to a server in your chosen location.

The app detects when you’re offline and turns off the WireGuard® backend. This saves you some battery juice!

When you visit Settings > Account, we’ve made sure that your account expiration date is always up to date.

To prevent your account from unnecessarily reaching the maximum number WireGuard keys, the key on your device is removed when you log out.

And of course we eliminated some pesky bugs.

Download the app

Download Mullvad VPN on the App Store. We've got a user guide if you need help with installation and usage.


"WireGuard" is a registered trademark of Jason A. Donenfeld.