Tämä blogipostaus julkaistiin 6 vuotta sitten, joten siinä kerrottu tieto saattaa olla vanhentunutta.
Sending cash? Use our new address
Updated: 2023-SEP-28 to use Mullvad VPN as recipient.
Do you pay in cash for your Mullvad VPN subscription, or like to send us fan mail? Send it to our new address!
Our new postal address is effective immediately.
Mullvad VPN
Box 53049
400 14 Gothenburg
Don't worry if you've recently sent a payment to the old address. We still have access to it for a couple of months.
An even bigger change is that we're moving our offices to a place that's entirely our own, complete with freshly painted walls and furniture that match our logo! Adult points for us!