
Multihop now available on iOS

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To further increase your privacy and make your traffic harder to analyze, you can now route all your traffic through two servers instead of just one, directly in our iOS app, version 2024.5 and newer.


Our multihop feature allows you to connect to any destination server via any  entry server, using a tunnel within a tunnel.

Selecting different servers in different jurisdictions or from different hosting providers may make data collection slightly harder. Please note that depending on the location of the two servers, this could potentially degrade the performance to some extent.


To activate multihop on iOS go to Settings → VPN settings → and turn on Enable multihop.

After doing this, you can select the desired location for the entry end exit server by going back to the main view and opening the Switch location view. You’ll notice the two tabs at the top: Entry and Exit.


Routing your traffic through multiple servers in separate jurisdictions gives you a higher level of privacy and security even if one server were to be compromised. Adversaries would need to launch timing attacks against the traffic in multiple locations in order to analyze your online usage.

There might be a number of reasons why you’d want your traffic routed through multiple VPN servers before it goes out on the internet. You can read our WireGuard multihop guide for more information.