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How to set up ad blocking in our app


We've all appreciated those award-winning commercials worthy of every bit of praise, but we also got our fair share of dreadful ads. Soon: on/off-button for Ad-blocking in our app. Until, do this if you please. Ler mais

Big Data = Big Failure III


Corporate businesses and government agencies are all doing it: collecting data and thereby breaking universal laws. Ready to take action? We know what to do. Ler mais

Big Data = Big Failure II


It's possible to remain anonymous with a single data point. However, as soon as a series of data is collected, remaining anonymous becomes impossible. Let’s take it step by step. Ler mais

Big Data = Big Failure I


The vast amount of data collected today makes it possible to predict political opinions, beliefs, religion, and interests, a collection of data that is strictly forbidden by law. And in great need of abidance. Ler mais

No risky business, just a new Windows certificate


Windows users, install our new Win-only beta (2021.3-beta2)! It has only one change: it’s signed with our new certificate. A certificate Microsoft hasn’t yet verified, but enough installs might help to speed up that process. Ler mais

(L)awful interception


One of democracy's foundations is the fact that all human beings have certain inalienable rights and freedoms. Suspended by trust and shared values. Today, trust and shared values are being replaced by “control and surveillance”. Ler mais