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O Blog Mullvad

Mantenha-se atualizado sobre os desenvolvimentos na Mullvad. Notícias relacionadas com a nossa aplicação, atualizações de segurança, ofertas de emprego — encontre tudo aqui.

No risky business, just a new Windows certificate


Windows users, install our new Win-only beta (2021.3-beta2)! It has only one change: it’s signed with our new certificate. A certificate Microsoft hasn’t yet verified, but enough installs might help to speed up that process. Ler mais

Unfortunate port shortage


That's it. We are officially out of ports. We knew this day would come; that 16 bits of memory in the TCP packet simply wouldn't be enough to provide port forwarding for everyone. Ler mais

Ending support for 2020.3 and 2020.4


On January 28, app versions 2020.3 and 2020.4 will stop working as we are discontinuing support for them. Begin the New Year right  update now to the latest, most secure version of Mullvad VPN. Ler mais