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O Blog Mullvad

Mantenha-se atualizado sobre os desenvolvimentos na Mullvad. Notícias relacionadas com a nossa aplicação, atualizações de segurança, ofertas de emprego — encontre tudo aqui.

Foundations of secure split tunneling


Congrats, you crossed the finish line of our split tunneling series! We wrap up with Part 5 and explain the key attributes that informed our secure design and invite you to build upon it. Ler mais

The limitations of split tunneling


You’ve made it to the halfway point of our split tunneling series! In Part 3, get a little technical as we inspect some limitations of our split tunneling implementation and how to work around them. Ler mais

When is split tunneling useful?


Go off-roading in Part 2 of our split tunneling series to explore why you might want to use the feature for gaming, banking, and streaming services – and how to use it on Mullvad VPN. Ler mais

What is split tunneling?


Buckle up! Embark on our 5-part series and learn all about split tunneling, a Mullvad VPN feature now available on three platforms! In Part 1 (out of 5), we explain what split tunneling actually is. Ler mais