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Leaks in iOS beta release TestFlight 2024.4 (1)

App Security 

The TestFlight beta release of our iOS app, 2024.4 (1), has a bug that can lead to traffic leaks when connecting if you have quantum-resistant tunnels enabled (disabled by default).

We are very happy for all the users who use our betas and help us test out apps before we release them to the general public, thank you! However, it is not completely without risk to run these pre-release apps. By definition they are less tested than our stable public releases, and sometimes bugs are present in these versions.

On the 4th of June, we identified an issue with the latest TestFlight version 2024.4 (1). If you have opted in to TestFlight versions of our app, and have enabled quantum-resistant tunnels in the VPN settings, then traffic from all apps on your device can leak for a short period while the VPN tunnel is being established.

The stable version of the app that is available on the app store is not affected by this leak.


We're in the process of releasing a new beta version, TestFlight 2024.4 (2), where this bug is fixed, update as soon as you can.

You are also safe against this leak if you do not use quantum-resistant tunnels in version 2024.4 (1). We will make sure that quantum-resistant tunnels are safe to use when it is released as stable.