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Newest app release for desktop could improve performance (2021.3)

News App 

What’s new in the latest app for Windows, Linux, and macOS? For one, an upgrade that we hope will improve performance for many of you. Read on, then download and see for yourself.

What’s new

  • Windows users connecting with WireGuard® will hopefully experience a noticeable improvement in performance and a decrease in bugs thanks to our Wintun upgrade from version 0.9.2 to 0.10.1.
  • The desktop app is now translated and available in the Burmese language.
  • In the login field, the app now locally remembers one account number instead of three. We might remove this feature altogether; let us know what you think.
  • We have discontinued the use of TLS 1.2 when the app connects to the API and now only use the latest version, TLS 1.3.
  • (Linux) Drop packets being forwarded unless they are approved by the same rules as incoming or outgoing traffic. This tightens security for all Linux devices that act as routers and/or have VMs/containers.
  • We added port 51820 to the list of WireGuard ports, available under Settings > Advanced.

Download the app

Download the Mullvad VPN app. If needed, we've got help guides for installation and usage.

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"WireGuard" is a registered trademark of Jason A. Donenfeld.