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Os resultados são atualizados à medida que escreve

AES-256 encryption


The default OpenVPN stream cipher in new clients and new configuration files is now AES-256. When encountering certain connection problems the client program will fall back to Blowfish 128. To use nothing but AES, set "cipher = aes256" in Settings -> Advanced. Ler mais

Version 47 released


Version 47 is now available for download. It solves a few DNS leak issues and uses AES-256 as the default encryption cipher. Ler mais

WebRTC and anonymity


It has come to our attention that the new WebRTC standard can be used to expose the real public IP of people connected through a VPN-service. In short WebRTC allows users to have video and audio communications directly in the browser without any plugins installed, IPs being exposed is an unfortunate side-effect of how this works. Ler mais

Old clients soon no longer supported


On 2015-02-01 client programs older than version 46 will no longer be able to connect. Please upgrade. All too many users are still running clients with problems such as Heartbleed and the status indication malfunction. It does not make sense for us to expend effort keeping compatibility with these versions, hurting rather than helping those still using them. From version 46 the latest available version is dispayed in the program, making it easier to upgrade when appropriate. Please do. Ler mais

Version 46 released


Version 46 is now available for download. It displays both the currently installed version and the latest available version. It also fixes a bug that produced too many error dialogs. Ler mais

Version 45 released


Version 45 is now available for download. It fixes a bug that would cause the GUI to hang and thus show the wrong connection status. It also works on Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite. Ler mais

IPv6 support


We now tunnel IPv6 as well as IPv4. This means you can get connected to the IPv6 internet through Mullvad, even without IPv6 support from your internet service provider. Ler mais

Heartbleed OpenSSL bug


A serious vulnerability in the popular OpenSSL cryptographic software library was disclosed 30 hours ago. In short it allows (among other things) anyone on the Internet to extract the private keys used for encrypting traffic and identifying service providers to their users. A more complete description can be read on This affects a lot of different services including web, email, instant messaging and OpenVPN (which Mullvad uses). Ler mais

Version 42 released


Version 42 is now available for download with several improvements. From now on we will provide a changelog for each release. You can see what's new here. Ler mais

New website


We hope that you like the new face of Mullvad. Please send us an email if you have any questions or feedback. Ler mais