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O Blog Mullvad

Mantenha-se atualizado sobre os desenvolvimentos na Mullvad. Notícias relacionadas com a nossa aplicação, atualizações de segurança, ofertas de emprego — encontre tudo aqui.

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New servers in England and Norway


We've expanded our territory with VPN connections via England and Norway. If you're already connected and don't see either countries listed as options, quit and restart Mullvad. Ler mais

Increased Security from Server Upgrade


We now own and have physical control over servers at three of our locations, two in Sweden and one in Amsterdam. This means an even higher level of security for our customers and an overall doubling of our entire capacity. Read the entire press release. Ler mais

Mullvad protected against Microsoft security issue


A serious security issue that can negatively affect VPN users has been made public by online profile ValdikSS. If you are using Microsoft Edge / IE or Outlook while connecting through a VPN, a malicious website or email can make Windows leak a hashed version of your Microsoft account password, among other things. Ler mais

New Server in Singapore


Mullvad users can now choose Singapore in the list of countries available for connection. This should improve performance for customers in Asia and the surrounding geographical region. Ler mais

Mullvad not affected by recent OpenSSL vulnerabilities


This afternoon OpenSSL published security advisories on eight vulnerabilities. OpenSSL gave advance notice of the upcoming patch last week, so our engineers had ample time to prepare for the worst. After a short investigation we could conclude that Mullvad is not vulnerable. Ler mais

Yesterday's service disruption due to emergency patching


Less than 24 hours ago Google disclosed a vulnerability in glibc, a software library used by many Linux programs. The vulnerability likely affects a large portion of the world's servers, can be exploited remotely, and can be used to gain full control of a server. Ler mais

Working iOS 9 configurations


As we've reported before, using our old configuration files on iOS 9 will not work as intended. We have now started to provide new configuration files specifically for iOS 9 which supposedly fixes this issue on all those devices. Ler mais

Version 58 released


A bug was discovered in version 57 which caused some trouble for users running with the Windows Firewall disabled. This has now been fixed in version 58. Ler mais