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O Blog Mullvad

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Os resultados são atualizados à medida que escreve

Our WireGuard expansion continues


Mullvad expands our WireGuard VPN-service to a total of 30 servers, and our first 40Gbps WireGuard server is online! Please go ahead and test! Ler mais

Level-up for Helsinki


We've gone from renting to fully owning our servers in Helsinki, Finland, just as we do in the Netherlands, Sweden, and Norway. Ler mais

Gothenburg goes live


We've finally given some love to our home town of Gothenburg, now the fourth location in Sweden where we've established VPN servers, joining Malmö, Helsingborg, and Stockholm. Ler mais

Use Mullvad on your Chromebook


The wait is over for Chromebook users – thanks to the introduction of the Google Play app store on Chrome OS, you can now run Mullvad on your Google laptop! Ler mais

WireGuard deployment expanded to 18 cities


Singapore is the latest country in which we have deployed WireGuard servers, joining Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, the U.K, and the U.S. Ler mais